Book Excerpt: Energy-Wise Landscape Design
Energy-Wise Landscape Design should be a required read for anyone going into the landscaping field. In this book, Sue Reed outlines a number of steps you can take to green your landscape. Some steps are easy and can be done right away; others take more time, energy, thought or care. When I reviewed this book…
Book Excerpt: Garden Rules – The Snappy Synopsis for the Modern Gardener
***Giveaway! Win a copy of Garden Rules by commenting below. *** Holly is the winner – congrats! Jayme Jenkins and Billie Brownell dish the dirt to new gardeners in their book, Garden Rules. I remember being a new gardener and feeling like I’d stepped into a new world, complete with a whole new language as…
Book Excerpt: Sustainable Landscaping for Dummies by Owen Dell
A couple weeks back, I reviewed this deliciously funny and extremely useful guide to sustainable landscaping by Owen Dell. You can check out my video and written review here. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share an excerpt with you, so you could get a feel for Owen’s writing style, which is…
Book Excerpt: Designing With Succulents by Debra Lee Baldwin
Two weeks ago, I reviewed the popular, and deservedly so, Succulent Container Gardens by Debra Lee Baldwin. I think of Debra as a real advocate for these plants, because she shows such elegant ways of designing with them that we all want to grow these colorful, varied plants ourselves. And so we should! They’re low-water,…
Book Excerpt: Yes, You Can! And Freeze and Dry It, Too
***Giveaway below! Comment to win your own copy of Yes, You Can!*** EDIT: Nicole won! Congrats, Nicole. Daniel Gasteiger charmed me recently when I asked him to tell me about his new book, Yes, You Can! And Freeze and Dry It, Too: The Modern Step-By-Step Guide to Preserving Food. Daniel said: The most mind-bending moment…
Monday Miscellany: Book Excerpt Week!
So many books are being published every day that it’s a little hard to sort through them all and decide which to read. While Book Review Week earlier this month was fun, I figured I’d follow it up with a week of book excerpts to help you get a feel for the style and content…
Angela’s Garden Stylish Garden Gear
***Giveaway! Leave a comment below to win a Morning Glory hat, with matching green gloves and kneepads!*** EDIT: Barbara is the winner! Congrats, Barbara! Garden gear generally comes in two forms – functional and stylish, and usually not both at once. So imagine my delight to open a parcel from Angela’s Garden with a set…
The Slug Shield Copper Snail and Slug Repellent
***Giveaway below! Comment to win one of SIX sets of slug shields!*** EDIT: Winners have been chosen and contacted. Thanks everyone for entering! I’ve written before about how nasty the usual snail and slug baits are. In fact, here in California, metaldehyde snail bait is the #1 poisoning agent of dogs. Hmmm…. Fido or slug-free…
Bare Root Artichoke How-To
***Giveaway below! Comment to win one of three sets of bare root artichokes from Peaceful Valley*** Giveaway ended – congrats to the winners! Planting bare root artichokes is like planting bulbs. You know in your head that some miracle or magic is going to occur to turn this tiny lumpen thing into something somewhat more…
Worm Power Fertilizer
***Worm Power Fertilizer Giveaway Below – Just Leave a Comment to Enter!*** Giveaway ended and winners have been contacted. Thanks for playing! I’ve enthused about vermicomposting before, but some of you poor saps haven’t yet started a worm compost setup of your very own. But not to worry, because even if the whole worms-as-pets deal…
Seed-Starting Success Will Be Mine! SonnyLight LED Kitchen Garden
***SonnyLight LED Kitchen Garden giveaway below; a $299 value!*** EDIT: Tropaeolum won! Congrats, and enjoy your new SonnyLight LED! I haven’t had the best of luck with seed-starting in the past. Actually, let me rephrase that. I am a seed-starting loser. Before now, every attempt at seed-starting has resulted in most of my seeds not…